Sunday, March 20, 2011

Beware of Elation!

This is a topic I had wanted to write about for some time now, but it wasn't until recently that I found the RIGHT WORD to describe the subject of this post.


The word finally hit me as I was replying to a post on the PilipinasPoker forums.

"...With a 1k buy-in, I was 6k up (total including the buy-in) in just a span of 4 hours....So there I was at my table comfortably winning until I got hit.  (insert bad beat story here).

"I wasn't able to shift gears as soon as possible and from there made plays that even my 12 year-old niece won't do... I really tilted big time and the point break was when I raised my JJ and a new player shoved.  I had no good read on him because he just sat down, but I was putting him on either KK or QQ... and still called.  He showed his AA and it held unimproved.

Then another guy sat down.  First hand he shoved with a 500 peso-worth of buy-in.  I instantly called with my AQ suited and his QQ hit a set on the flop....From there I kept re-buying, lost my table image and lost my stack that I used to bully people around

Calling on Coach Red.  Need advice.   :crying: :crying: :crying:"

The Original poster then goes onto post his "Lessons:" - and my comments are in yellow italicized boldface.

(1)  I underestimated the players; more like you overestimated yourself, all poker players are guilty of this.

(2)  I became too proud and my small success got into my head; see below

(3)  I became too greedy and I did not stick with the "incremental winnings" policy that I set for myself; i don't like having a stop-win rule, but as this is your personal rule - you made it up, so at least decide to follow it or scrap it eh?

(4)  I failed to shift gears; you actually shifted: all those races you entered after the AA debacle was you shifting to 7th gear

(5)  I forgot that knowing when to quit is the sign of a true grinder.  you might help yourself here by drafting your set of "when to quit rules" and running it by some people you trust.  this can't just be some abstract feeling in your head.

When you ran your money up to 6k, how much of it was from showdowns of hands that got paid off by second best hands?  There must have been a triple up in there somewhere.

The reason i ask is because you have to constantly be aware of when you got lucky, so you don't walk around thinking you own the table just because you hit quads and got paid by a full house.

If you can manage your ego, you can maintain a neither happy nor sad demeanor, and you can just focus on playing poker.  If you are feeling elated at the table because "you own these guys" then you need to think about taking a walk or buying people drinks until your joy has subsided to a normal level.

I'm not saying don't enjoy when you win, just beware of ...well, the word that keeps coming to mind is "elation" - coz when that elation pops (via a bad beat, most often) you might fight to get it back like the talented hooker who blew you like there was no tomorrow but had to go home to her pimp-boyfriend.

Okay i've said too much again.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Beware of ELATION.

It used to be referred to - for lack of a better word or set of words, obviously - as "winner's tilt" and "overconfidence"... No, now I have a word for it, and it is a specific feeling that you can spot.

I have to differentiate this feeling from "being in the zone" - when I am "in the zone" I usually have no emotions.  ZERO.  Whether it's basketball, poker, World of Warcraft, or onstage performing, "The Zone" is a place where everything is automatic and I am pretty much delivering while unconscious.  I am doing what I am supposed to be doing because my body remembers everything that has to be done.  All my moves take care of themselves because they just naturally happen.  I feel like a third party watching myself play, and as much as I am pleased with what is happening, I have neither control nor emotion.  When I try to take control when I am in the Zone, I snap out of it.  When I try to assess or analyze why I am such a superstar, I snap out of it.

The moment I feel happy - or, as the word of the day goes, ELATED - I snap out of the present and start celebrating my (immediate) past success(es).

If you are overly pleased with yourself, you are NOT in the Zone.  If you have a fuzzy feeling in your head - almost as if you are floating, you are elated.  If you can't stop smiling, you are elated.  If you can't stop replaying the cut-scenes in your head where you totally pwned somebody with your Ace-High call of a River shove to beat his busted draw - and if you replay those cut-scenes from seven different camera angles - YOU ARE ELATED.

Nothing wrong with being happy, but don't go back to the game just yet.  Finish celebrating.  You cannot be in two places at once - not even if you are a 24-tabler.  When you are revelling in past moments, you are not in the present tense.  Finish celebrating, then go back to the present tense and play the Game.

Or decide to stop playing for the night, and spend the rest of the beautiful evening celebrating and telling everyone willing to share in your elation why you are so goddamned blessed.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Geek Gets Girl...?

This is not a poker topic per se, but this little work of semi-fiction was published in UNO magazine as a POV piece from a poker geek...

I am a professional poker player.  I play cards for a living.  You might think of me as a tall guy in a black hat who sits down with the local badasses and cleans them out while speaking only sparingly and in gravelly low tones.   You might think I walk out of a room full of stunned and emasculated men who can only watch as I get on my horse and ride off into the sunset, leaving behind a Legend …and a brothel full of satisfied women.

The only truth to that image is that I am tall.  And I do own a black hat.

The ugly truth is that I sit down in front of my computer with a screenful of graphics in my face.  I do try to clean out the credit cards of the parents of the kids who log on to play internet poker after watching “The World Poker Tour” on television.  While it is true that I do speak sparingly, it is not in low gravelly tones – try to say the next few sentences out loud, and your tone will probably match mine:

“Of course, OF COURSE he has a flush!”
“Another King?!? COME ON!”
“Straight on the flop?  You gotta be kidding me!”

Also, I almost never leave my room…But I HAVE left behind me a trail of satisfied women.  When I leave them alone, they are satisfied.  To add to a popular slogan:  I am single by choice, and that choice seems to be made for me over and over by every girl I meet.

I am a Geek, and while we Geeks are good at many things, we are not good at getting Girls.  I often wondered why we don’t make a serious effort to get better at it – heck, we spend countless hours googling for the best way to powerlevel our World of Warcraft toons or figure out the best setup for Plants versus Zombies Survival Mode, why can’t we be bothered to type “how to get da girl” in the search box?

Are we epic failures because we truly lack interest in them (hah!), or is it because we stubbornly lead with our brains as we charge into the territories of the heart…or perhaps we just can’t be bothered because we are so good at finding free porn…?

A girlfriend of mine once cornered me for an investigation into the matter.  She refused to believe we were hopeless. “Geeks do get Girls,” she would say, “look at Ashton Kutcher and Bill Gates!”

Yes.  Look at them.  Then, uhm,  look at the rest of us.

Also, she was not actually my girlfriend, per se.  She was a friend, and she happened to be a girl.

“Okay, so tell me how you try to get the Girl,” she asked.

I fell silent as my eyes moved up and to the left – a sure sign that I was accessing the part of my brain used for remembering things I have seen or done before using a primarily visual representation…Anyway, you get the point, I was composing my answer…

“I treat her like an unfamiliar gadget that I am handling for the very first time.  I try to figure out what’s in her hard drive so I know what stuff she likes and what activities she does often.  Then I figure out a way to piggyback onto those activities or things she likes – it’s like finding a port of entry that she might have open.  For example, I might attach myself to her gym schedule or her jogging trail.  Each time she runs, I run in the background.  Or I might get her something she can get excited about and sneak it into her mailbox one morning.”

I realize I had just answered the question: “How does a computer virus work?”

“Like a virus,” I answered my girl-friend.  And I told her the story I will tell you now.

PREFLOP:  I am at the cinemas, and I notice the hot girl on the Button.

The first time I saw the hot girl – whose name will be withheld in this article as per the stipulations of a court order – I was only concerned with how I could see her better.  I moved to an angle where I could stare without her noticing.  I silently judged her and decided that yes, she was a hot girl.  And yes, I was interested.  And yes, she was looking at me looking at her.

The best defense when you are caught staring is to make sure she sees you staring at someone else with the exact same stalker-like lust – just so she thinks “oh, it’s not me, he’s just a bigtime starer” and you are off the hook.

So when I was done staring intently at the sixty-two year old paraplegic a few feet from her, I got back to work.  I had to formulate a plan.  I had to talk to her.  So I leapt from my dark corner and walked towards her…past her…to the popcorn stand behind her, so I could eavesdrop on a conversation she was having with her friend while I bought random items from the snack counter.  If I listened long enough – and if I was both sharp and lucky – I would get her name.  I did not know how long I could hold up the snack line, so I would have to get what I needed and get out of there.

I walked away from the snack counter a big SUCCESS!  I did not get her name, but I did hear about a facebook event she was going to.  Geeks just need a tag or a keyword to proceed, so this was good enough!   I gathered up my purchases – four bags of popcorn, two large drinks, a plate of cheesy nachos, and a real-estate agent’s flyer – and ran home to do some easy cross-referencing. 

It only took four mouse-clicks before I was staring at the picture on her facebook profile.  Add hot girl as a friend?  No.  It was too soon.  Ninjas do not stealthily climb to the roof of your house to blow a hole in it with a bazooka.

One more mouse-click led to her blog, and I soon had everything I needed to craft my virus:  hobbies, preferences, a brief history of her life, her past and current occupation, the schools she went to…

Hmm, her contact number was on there, I could just call her and….NO!  I am a ninja!  Ninjas do not call hot girls!

Comment on this blog.  Click!  I left her an attagirl and a link to one of my own blogs – no, not the one with my collection of grotesque sports injuries and easter eggs from popular Hollywood movies.  From what I read about this hot girl, it would have to be the link to my travel journal.

When I got the email notification informing me of a visitor to my travel blog, I knew I was ready for my first real big move.  I clicked her facebook profile on my bookmarks bar.  Send hot girl a message.  Something very articulate but not overly eloquent.  Something friendly and casual but not too jejemon.  Something that showed interest in what her job was.

“Hi, I randomly landed on your blog the other day and couldn’t help but notice that you work for a company that supplies shower-curtain rings to hotels all over the world…”

And now the Geek and the hot Girl had contact.  It was not something to be overjoyed with – it wasn’t as if she had let me plug my flashdrive into her USB port to upload my favorite files, but she had called my preflop raise, and we were definitely going to see the flop.

“Enough with the poker analogies and metaphors,” my girl-friend interrupted, “what happened next?”

“Well, the Flop comes, of course…” 

THE FLOP:  Well, I had raised preflop with Ace-King (suited), but the flop was a ragged rainbow, and none of it was my suit.  Now that I was first to act, do I fire a continuation bet or check to see if she checks behind?

The rising height of my girl-friend’s left eyebrow indicated that I had better translate to plain English immediately.

I had established contact, but as it was under the guise of a guy interested in shower-curtain rings, my only recourse was to continue telling that story, and hope I would have the opportunity to somehow twist it to resemble something closer to reality.  The purpose of contact was to give her an opportunity to see what a great guy I could be.

Establishing contact was easy.  All a Geek had to do was make some pretense to need the Girl for something external – work-related, business-connected – anything that wouldn’t give away that I was calling her just because I liked her, and just her.

The bigger challenge for me was to figure out how to keep the connection going.  The longer it went, the less likely my initial story would hold up, and the closer she would get to figuring me out.  The challenge was to reverse the situation and create a scenario where she would need me.  Then she would have to call me, and instead of continuing to use 90% of my brain to continue lying to her, I could just use 10% of it to simply respond to whatever she would be saying.

So I told her I owned a small chain of Hotels in Northeastern Europe and I would like to receive some quotations.  We were going to see the Turn…

THE TURN was a blank, but I bought myself time, and there was always the hope of pairing up on the River…

We had begun to regularly exchange emails.  She would send me price quotations and images of the product, while I would pretend to suddenly encounter something funny that I had to share with her.  Each email from me ended with “Oh, and I still owe you an email regarding your quotations…”

We set meetings where I was supposed to show her swatches of the imaginary bathroom tiles I used in my chain of non-existent hotels.  Each time, I crafted convoluted but convincing reasons for forgetting to bring the swatches.  But since we were in a coffee house, we might as well have coffee.  I am a Mountain Dew drinker myself, but I had to learn to drink coffee if I was going to sit with this hot girl long enough for me to tell her the amusing anecdotes I had prepared for the meeting.

She thought I was funny.  This was everything to a Geek.  You have to understand:  we know where to find videos that teach us how to give a woman an orgasm, but when it comes to making a Girl laugh, we were on our own.  If I could make her laugh, I could make her want to be with me more!  She was laughing.

I closed my eyes, and I could see the Ace on the River!

THE RIVER was a final fatal blank, and she was calling down my final bet.  She had gotten tired of the nonsense emails, and I was running out of reasons to forget bringing the swatches to our meetings.  She had that look – the one that said “I am on to you, little boy!”

There are two variants to that look.  The first variant was the one where she just stares at you and smiles a lot regardless of what you are talking about.  That meant she was on to me and didn’t care because she liked me too much.  From that point, it would only take a few more days till the virus I had programmed took full effect and she wouldn’t be able to take it anymore.  One of these days, she was going to start a conversation with the words “I have to talk to you about something…” and she would somehow pose the question “What the hell are we?”

Then I would be screaming “I WIN!” in my head while I say something incredibly smooth, like “We are two souls who have been separated during creation, and now we have found each other.”

Up music, lean towards each other, roll credits.

That was not the look she had.  The variant I was seeing was the one with the furrowed brow and the arms crossed over her chest.  She knew something was not adding up, but what she did not know was that there were so many things to add up, she would need a scientific calculator to make sense of everything.

I do have a panic button for these eventualities, and I was pathetic enough to use it: I
suddenly “confessed” to hot girl that I secretly liked her friend.  This button is designed to be so utterly confusing that she would have to choice but to accept it as something that makes everything suddenly make sense.  (Another panic button “reveals” that I have a life-threatening but non-contagious disease, if the need arises).

Of course, there was no “friend” – and she would know it soon enough, because I would not be able to give her the name of her friend that I like so much I had to take the long route to get to her.  When Geeks panic, we look for a reset button or a previous save-point.  I thought I was doing so well, I did not save this game at any point.  And I was down to just a chainsaw in a  big-boss fight.

ALL-IN or FOLD:  I could come clean and tell her the simple uncomplicated truth – that I like her and want to be around her, but was too stupid and clueless to know how to be incredibly honest and endearingly vulnerable – something I could have (SHOULD HAVE) done from the get-go…

…Or I could take that business trip to Northeastern Europe to inspect every last one of my Polish Hotels.

Hey hot girl, how have you been?  Sorry I haven’t replied to you in the last week.  You wouldn’t believe the snow storms here.  One of my apartelles has major structural damage, and it looks like I am going to have to stay here to oversee the renovations for at least another month…

“So wait,” my confused girl-friend jumped in, “this is what you call getting the Girl…?”

Doh, she asked me how I TRY to get the Girl.

And as I sat in my apartment in Alabang, I clicked Send and alt-tabbed to my online poker games.  I rode off into the sunset, leaving behind me a Legend …and yet another epic fail.

Let the fish talk...

I am a big fan of not teaching the fish.  I am an even bigger fan of letting a fish continue to believe he is no longer a fish because "he knows poker now"...

So in the spirit of celebrating the existence of the know-it-all fish who will never learn because he managed to know it all in his six months of "studying the game" I now post here some of my favorite misused poker terms:

No, I am not going to explain the proper use and definition of the misused terms!  When I hear these misguided sentences, I just nod and smile - because I am such a good listener, I am not going to interrupt someone just to correct them :-)

"Three people limped in for 20, so I repopped it to 200.  The flop came, they checked to me, so I repopped it again..."

"On the flop, he bets 200 so I 3bet him to 600..."

"I limped in for 50 from UTG with pocket fours, the next guy raises to 400, the guy after him shoves for 1200, the button calls, the SB shoves for 1900, so I call because I only have 500 and I have pot odds..."

"I had an open-ended straight draw on the flop, and I called because I had three-to-one pot odds..."

"I bought in for 1000.  First hand I get KQs but UTG raises to 500.  I go all-in because he has over 10,000 in chips and I have massive implied odds..."

"I moved up to play 25-50 because I managed to grind my bankroll up to 5000 from a buyin of only 500 at the 10-20 table..."

"I withdrew 10k from the ATM so that I would have a bankroll at the 50-100 game later..."

"I flopped quad aces so I decided to slow roll it by checking the flop and turn..."

"He raised preflop and I called.  I flopped the top pair so I cbet 200"

"It was a limped pot and I was in the BB so I checked.  Then I flopped two pair so I cbet 200..."

"I got a bad beat!  I had KQs and he had only A2s but he won!"

"I got bad beat!  he went all-in on the flop with only a straight-flush draw and I had pocket tens!"

"I flopped quads tapos I was first to act!  Ang ganda ng position ko!"


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Poker for a Living...? Really?!?

This was taken from a thread on the PokerManila forums, and is a nice thread to read because it is an issue that will come up constantly - and by "constantly" I mean "whenever anyone in your family so much as sees you holding a deck of cards...

"I'm just curious. Who among you plays poker for a living? I mean, the profession is not really popular here in the philippines, I think...I have lots of questions... I'm just curious about the ups and downs of playing professionally. I mean, in a desk job you dont risk your money to earn money.  

I just find the concept of playing poker as a profession really fascinating... I'm sure Im not the only one who's curious..."

The more common thread once this starts being discussed is of course the "isn't this just gambling?" issue.  Another key issue: "is it just a game meant to be fun, or can you really live off it?"  To this I offer the analogy of the stock broker and the professional basketball player.  One is truly gambling with a suit on to look like he has a real job.  The other is truly just playing, but gets paid to do it.

So where is the poker pro between these two archetypes?  Well, I don't believe we are gamblers, and I do believe we are making money out of having fun...

" it as financially rewarding as it is fun?"
One forum poster said:

"When poker is your living, it's either fun or financially rewarding, it can't be both..."

...kind of a  half-joke-half-truth here.  in general i believe it can be both, because it's fun when it is (long-term) financially rewarding.  It's the moment to moment swings between "fun AND financially rewarding" to "f@#kING RIVER" that turns this hobby/job into a psychological beatdown...

One of the keys to surviving this is to step out of the player box and round yourself out.  I got into poker to use it to become a better person.  Yes, i take other people's money with no remorse, but that is the price for the "entertainment" we are "selling" (the thrill of the game and the chance to take my money as well) - i believe this was a previous poster's point about likening us to the entertainment industry.

Back on point:  approach it like you would any job - as a complete professional with a passion for it.  Just like the way an employee who just punches in and out daily to do what he's told is not going to have fun or experience growth, I believe in having a sense of ownership in your industry and its community.

So you need to have a plan, do your homework, study your profession (skill up!), your "market" (places to play, players who play, etc...) and CRUNCH YOUR NUMBERS!  It sounds like a happy-go-lucky life, but maybe you will have to hire an accountant to take care of headaches like cashflow projection into the next six months...

Again, like any job or entrepreneurial endeavor, you have to have a reasonable capital and start scraping income from the entry-level.  The "promotion" might come in two months, or it might come in two years.  You gotta put in the hours and put your back into it like anything else.  Seriously.

As an industry/community, Filipino poker is a baby, but it is undeniably growing, so part of "going pro" is to grow with it not just as a player, but as an actual invested professional that contributes to the big picture.  (If you are what they call a "company man" you know exactly how this works.)  There are so many things going on off the table that you can get into as well!

For me, that is a big part of the profession that keeps it fun, and allows me to keep half-a-foot in the semblance of a workforce/society.  Kill the tables for profit, but show love for your industry's community by doing things off the table.

Moving on Up?

"What should one expect to encounter when moving up limits...?  Assuming that you have the proper bankroll to finally move up limits, does the play really change that much when moving from the lowest limits to the next one higher...?  I assume that the biggest difference in playing higher limits is that you will see more of the same faces as opposed to a wider range of new players at the lower limits. Is that a plus or a problem?"

...the most immediate thing you will notice is degree of tightness of the tables.  note, however that while there is a general change in what you are up against, it is not a linear change.   To wit:

--> Micro:  VERY LOOSE - expect light calls and many shoves.  Not enough players care, so you can take advantage.

--> Low:  suddenly TEXTBOOK TIGHT - expect grindy play.  These guys worked hard to get here, and they're not giving up their hard earned roll.  Also, just like the OP said, this is a smaller universe of players, and most of them will know the others (classmates) from their days at the lower levels.  To answer OP's last Q, this IS a problem.  "Classmates" respect each other too much, and in a Live game, are probably going to play softly against each other.  All bad news for  overall profitability.

--> Medium:  SLIGHTLY LOOSER again - the grinders are mixed in with noobs trying to get rich playing their entire bankroll, as well as players (or players' wives) just passing the time.  Other grinders at this level already have an arsenal of moves that make them seem loose as well (though they are not, watch out!)

--> High:  SLIGHTLY LOOSER STILL - these limits are where poker mastery meets bankroll bullies.  Massive Bankroll trumps anything less than veteran skills at this level.

The next thing you may notice when you are newly moved-up is how your game changes - often unintentionally. 

--> TOO AGGRO: Your confidence from crushing the lower levels is high, and you ride it into the new level, where you are suddenly encountering a different range of hands.  Keep track of the showdowns and get used to the average winning hand.  The sooner you find those loose screws, the sooner you can settle into your new rhythm.

--> TOO NITTY: You may overcompensate because of the horror stories of how the play is greatly different.  Just remember that it IS different, but not THAT least not yet.

My advice is that you OVERSHOOT your BR targets before moving up.  err on the side of caution - which in this case means "err on the side of the cushion" before moving up.

...and once you are stabbing upwards, TAKE IT NICE AND EASY!  be mindful of your A-Game, don't rush, and don't come crying back to the lower limits at the first sign of distress.

Believe in the skills that got you to the higher level, and your luck will continue to follow!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Dealing with Variance...?

"How to deal with giant downswing?  I usually have no trouble dealing with downswings. Even as a beginner, I understood how variance was a part of the game and it never really bothered me.

Recently, though, I've gone on such a downswing that it is really starting to affect me. I had just moved up to 10nl and things were going great when I got hit with a downswing sicker than anything I could even fathom before. Cooler, cooler, suckout, cooler, bad beat, cooler, cooler, card dead, cooler, suck out, card dead, card dead, bad beat, cooler, bad beat, suckout, cooler, cooler. Can't hit a draw to save my life. A in the flop every single time I have KK. We all know the story. I quickly lost all of the incremental progress I had made at 10nl, hit the red, and dropped back to 5nl. The variance did not stop. Cooler, cooler, suck out, cooler, card dead. Since then, over about 40k subsequent hands, I've dropped almost 20 BI at nl5, a limit that I CRUSHED for over 150k hands prior.

I can see it clearly affecting my game now. I've tried everything I know how to do to deal with downswings; first I tried to out-volume it, like I did with every other downswing up till now. That made it worse. Then I took a couple weeks off. The variance was waiting for me when I got back as I was quickly and brutally reminded of why I took a break. I reassure myself that it'll come back. It isn't.

What are some other ways that I can get back to playing my A game under the weight of this collossal swing?"

My FIRST THOUGHT is:  Stop thinking "I am on a downswing."

...playing despite a series of coolers is always one of our tougher challenges.  You need to have amnesia about the whole thing - cards have no memory, so in times like these, neither should you.

If you have an A-Game, you just put it on and you just keep playing.

Personally, I don't try to do things that are geared towards addressing the variance.  I don't try to out-volume it, I don't try to play tighter, I don't move up, I don't move down.

I just play my best and let my bankroll handle the rest.

Imagine a signal number 4 typhoon rips through my town:  Nothing but NOTHING I do will make that storm pass faster.  all I can do is sit in my house and hope it is strong enough to still be standing after taking the worst that the natural forces of the universe can throw at me...

If I adjust my game because I am on the ass-end of variance - what you call a downswing - then one thing is for sure:  I am not playing my A-Game.  I am playing some mutated form of my game adjusted to cater to my "bad luck."

Variance is not something you can control, slow down, or speed up... but you can minimize the damage:

1. Play your A-Game
2. Say no to tilt
3. Keep an eye on your BR
4. Back to #1

For me, the hardest thing about bringing back my A-Game in the midst of all the bullshit is this:  HAVING FUN.

So the first step i recommend as you try to get back in there with your A-Game is this:  remember how much fun this game is!  It can be brutal and heart-rending a lot of times, but so is a relationship with a nymphomaniac... so make sure you're fucking her more than she's fucking you.

Okay, now i've said too much.